Smartly shipping your business to iOS-run smart devices


Let’s say it the ‘Apple’ way! Well, if you don’t have an iOS app, you don’t have an iOS app. Apple has cleverly repeated the line where the second one indicates a pun where it conveys the message that if you don’t have an iPhone, that’s your loss because you’re missing out on awesome features. Same goes for iOS. Apple’s smart devices have conquered a fair share of the market and missing out on this dynamic platform means missing out on progress.

iPhone, iPad, MacBook, smart television, and smart watch – a customized iOS application will enable you to cover up for all these platforms. PixelSoft’s proficient team of iOS developers can build applications that are compatible with the latest iOS versions and can function smoothly across all iOS platforms. Our native iOS app development takes place by employing the latest tools and technologies and making the most of its AI and ML features.


Tools we use

iOS app developers use native SDK technologies provided by Apple. But with advancement in technologies, Apple’s tools have also notched up a level. Here is a quick glimpse of the tools used by our experts to create purposeful, immersive and exceptional iOS applications.



The integrate development environment required for macOS



The Augmented Reality toolkit that’s API based and comes packed with powerful features like multiple face tracking, AR coaching UI and detection of image size


Cocoa Touch

The app development of iOS needed for Apple’s other smart devices



To hear Siri talking and conversing in third party applications too


Apple CryptoKit

The kit that allows data encryption both in transit and in rest. It enables developers to implement advanced authentication protocols and provide better app security.


Cloud Computing

Smartly integrating cloud technology into iOS app so that your customers can use it without worrying about losing valuable data.

Expertise with Experience!

Apple’s smart move of bestowing developers with its own SDK tools for building customized third party apps has ensured that App Store keeps seeing a flourish of functional apps. So you better use this opportunity for your business and team PixelSoft, of course, is always there to help.

Let’s have a quick chat on how we can help you get enlisted on the list of applications on App Store.

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